Glitch city in Rosso/Blu/Giallo

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  1. ~Miss!ngno™

    User deleted

    La glitch city è una citta,in italia conosciuta come città degli errori, giardino o isola(sempre degli errori),formata quasi esclusivamente da glitches.

    Procedura per arrivarci:

    1.andare alla zona safari.
    3.cercare di uscire dire alla guardia no
    4.salvare spegnere riaccendere.
    5.Entrare(troverete il 1° glitch)
    7.A questo punto per la classica potete racarvi a isola ciambella
    8.nuotate a destra
    oppure cercare su Tr rose in glitch city i posti in cui si forma una glitch city.
    Per adesso parleremo solo della prima.
    9.dopo aver fatto 500 passi verrà DIN DON
    10.Uscite e vi troverete qua:
    a questo punto parliamo dell'esplorazione della glitch city:
    in molti posti ci si blocca (volare via).
    Troverete una grotta(non entrateci:si blocca)
    Ci sono delle scale(non raggiungibili)
    Gli alberi ricrescono appena li tagli.
    sarà possibile in alcuni punti surfare(anche sulla terra) e in altri punti camminare sull'acqua:insomma godetevi la vacanza!

    Se scoprite qualcosa o c'è qualcosa che non ho detto postate in questa discussione.

    Adesso parlerò delle glitch city non molto conosciute.
    La principale delle glitch city secondarie si trova nella pista ciclabile.
    Le fasi dalla 7 alla 10 diventano:
    7.volate a azzurropoli.
    8.andate nella zona ciclabile.
    se siete senza bici c'è un glitch che vi permette di passare.Per farlo mentre vi dice che non dovete entrare premete a sinistra
    9.fate 500 passi e ding dong
    10.Vi ritroverete nella glitch city(attenzione:è in discesa)

    Vi ricordo di usare WTW per esplorare meglio.

    Elenco di dove si creano le glitch city(andando in quel posto e facendo 500 passi dopo il 6°passaggio)è in inglese.
    Pallet Town: Glitch City: Yes.
    I’m standing on the roof of part of a house with half a house above me.
    Test: I cannot move in any direction. The city is scattered with
    numbers. There are a few bits of water around and houses overlapping other
    houses. There is a Cut Tree overlapping another Cut Tree. When I press
    start some stuff changes. I can see bits of the word GYM.

    Route 1: Glitch City: Yes.
    Nice! I can move! I am standing on some pipeline things. There is a
    miniature pokeball, lots of bits of houses and lot of numbers. No water. I
    walk a bit and jump over a ledge thing. I am now invisible under some
    glitchy junk... awww... now I can’t walk. Now I see about 1/2 of a
    Pokemon Center under me. I also now see a tiny bit of water.

    Viridian City: Glitch City: No.
    It’s normal besides the fact I walk out of the locked gym.

    Route 2: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of the building where the guy gives me Flash.

    Viridian Forest: Glitch City: No.
    It’s the same as Route 2.

    Pewter City: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of the Pewter City mart.

    Route 3: Glitch City: Yes.
    I have some water around me and there are bits of houses. I surf over
    some water. There is a house with a door. I can walk on top of the door
    but not in it. I walk a bit. I see a cave entrance. I can walk on top
    of the cave entrance but not in it.

    Mount Moon: Glitch City: Yes.
    It says I’m on Route 4 on the map. I can’t move. There are bits of
    houses and numbers.

    Route 4: Glitch City: Yes.
    It’s the same as Mount Moon... I thought it would be.

    Cerulean City: Glitch City: No.
    I just walked out of the bike shop.

    Route 24: Glitch City: Yes.
    I can’t walk. It’s a bit boring. It’s pretty normal for a Glitch City.
    Meh... oh well.

    Route 25: Glitch City: Yes.
    Wow, I’m standing on water! I can’t walk any further on it. I fish
    while I’m standing on the water- just a Krabby. I can’t surf onto the land.
    Oh well.

    Sea Cottage: Glitch City: Yes.
    It’s the same as Route 25.

    Route 5: Glitch City: No.
    I just walk out of the daycare center.

    Route 6: Glitch City: Yes.
    I come out on a rock. When I walk off the rock I can’t get back on. You
    can cut the trees but they stay there. There is HEAPS of water. Lots of
    bits of house with doors. I surf down. After a while my game freezes
    and the music stops. I turn it off. I try again but this time I surf up.
    My game freezes again. Turns off GBA. Game still okay. Yay!

    Vermillion City: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of the Pidgey guy’s house.

    Route 9: Glitch City: Yes.
    Wow! It’s like a huge dump! This is the craziest I’ve seen yet. I can’t
    move though...

    Rock Tunnel: Glitch City: Yes.
    When the PA goes ‘ding dong’ and I get sent back to the Safari Zone
    everything is dark like in the Rock Tunnel. I walk out and I can see
    again. My map says that I’m in Route 10. I’m covered in glitchy junk so I
    can’t see myself.

    Route 10: Glitch City: Yes.
    It’s the same as the Rock Tunnel except I can see when the PA goes
    ‘ding dong’.

    Lavender Town: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of the Cubone girl’s house.

    Pokemon Tower: Glitch City: No.
    It’s the same as Lavender Town.

    Route 8: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of the Route7- 8 underground tunnel.

    Route 7: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of the Route7- 8 underground tunnel.

    Celadon City: Glitch City: No.
    I come out the back of the Celadon Mansion.

    Saffron City: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of the Saffron City mart.

    Route 11: Glitch City: No.
    I come out of Diglett Cave.

    Route 12: Glitch City: Yes.
    I come in on the side of a roof. I can’t walk very far. Some water. I
    fish... just a Goldeen.

    Route 13: Glitch City: Yes.
    Oooo... unlucky 13. It’s reallyyy glitched but I can’t move.

    Route 14: Glitch City: Yes
    Cool. There’s heaps of numbers. I can’t walk that far. I can see the
    ‘poke’ part of a Pokemon center.

    Route 15: Glitch City: Yes
    Oooo! I come out on a rock. I can walk. There is some of a mart, there
    is a sign I can’t get to… it’s pretty weird. I can’t walk that far.

    Route 16: Glitch City: No
    I just come out of the not very secret house thing. You know. The one
    you go through to get to the person who gives you fly.

    Route 17 (AKA Cycling Road): Glitch City: Yes
    It’s making me walk down like I’m on a bike! Although there is not
    bike! I can’t Surf because you usually can’t Surf on Cycling Road and
    apparently I’m still there. There’s a HUGE bit of Gym at the top and a HUGE
    bit of gym at the bottom. Besides all this it looks pretty inhabitable,

    Route 18: Glitch City: Yes
    I can’t move. Damn. There are lots of bits of houses though...

    Fuchsia City: Glitch City: No
    I just come out of the Safari Zone like normal... lol.

    Sea Route 19: Glitch City: Yes
    Yes! There’s water here, grass, a cave entrance. I can surf down. Lets
    see what’s in the grass… 5 minutes later… nope! Nothing! Oh well I just
    might as well try and Cut a tree… ~~~ BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!
    ~~~ Black screen…still beeping (honestly, that is the most horrible
    beeping sound I have ever heard) I look at it for a while, pressing buttons
    along the way. Finally I give up, shrug, and just reset my GBA. My
    game’s still okay. Interesting!

    Seafoam Islands: Glitch City: Yes
    Funky! There’s trees, numbers, bits of houses… LOTS OF ROOM TO WALK!
    Walks left. When I’ve walked far I get stuck. I press start… everything
    totally changes! Wow! I suggest this glitch city! My map says I’m on Sea
    Route 20 so I’ll guess it’s the same. Lets try again! I press start at
    one point when I’m here and I’m surrounded by water! I surf and then I
    can surf all over the land! Yay! Oh great, now I’m stuck again! I try
    again (sorry but this is by far my favorite) I cut a tree but it doesn’t
    go away. I surf on land again. I go right. I’m totally surrounded by
    water. I keep surfing right. According to my map I now am on Sea Route
    19. I surf right some more... it freezes. Lol. Okay that’s enough of this
    one, next!

    Sea Route 20: Glitch City: Yes
    Yep, I was right. It’s the same as Seafoam… (The east coast of Cinnabar
    Island is part of Sea Route 20 so I presume this is the one everyone
    knows about, yes?

    Cinnabar Island: Glitch City: No
    It’s normal... you just come out of the mart.

    Sea Route 21: Glitch City: Yes
    I can’t move. It’s pretty crazy though… I mean… there are bits of
    people in the corner.

    Route 22: Glitch City: Yes
    Oooo. Can’t move. Lots of 9’s. Meh.

    Route 23: Glitch City: Yes
    Oooo! I can’t move but it looks really cool! There are bits of water
    and a funky statue and a weird bit of house! Yay yay yay! I can’t see
    myself though.

    Victory Road: Glitch City: Yes
    As you can imagine I’m getting pretty bored by now. Anyway, there’s
    some water and it’s pretty freaky and yeah.

    Pokemon League: Glitch City: Yes
    This is a bit funny because I escaped while I was fighting the Pokemon
    League and now I don’t have to verse them no longer. I can’t move but
    it’s pretty crazy here I think it might be the same as somewhere else
    I’ve been. I fly out tralala I escaped the Pokemon League.

    Indigo Plateau: Glitch City: Yes
    It’s the same as Pokemon League.

    Power Plant: Glitch City: Yes
    It’s the same as Route 10.

    (da TRrose)

    il perchè:quando si esce dalla zona safari dopo il ding dong fuori da essa il warp della porta che fa uscire invece di portare a ciclamipoli porta al warp 4 dell'ultima mappa visitata.
    Se in quella mappa non c'è un 4° warp si genera una glitch city.

    Edited by ~Miss!ngno™ - 13/8/2008, 08:43
  2. ÐðRkªng£l ƒæ¥en!

    User deleted

    il 2° nn lo sapevo!
  3. ~Miss!ngno™

    User deleted

    Comunque esisteranno una trentina di glitch city.
    Una famosa è quella della lega pokemon.

    remember me
    once more

    Dalle Highlands Scozzesi, vicino Loch Ness

    quale e?
  5. ~Miss!ngno™

    User deleted

    Per la glith city della lega pokemon.
    Fare la procedura fino al 6.
    poi andare nel percorso che porta alla lega(dovrebbe essere il 22) e fare 500 passi.
    Adesso modifico il messaggio iniziale e metto l'elenco di dove si creano e dove non si creano le glitch city.
  6. Manaphy98

    User deleted

    io e un mio amico abbiamo messo il codice per attraversare i muri(ver.ITA)e abbiamo trovato missigno(giuringiurello) e lui me l ha catturato

    e io gli e ne ho dette tante ma tante( image però nn so come mai ma i dati nn si sono cancellati (altrimenti... image)
  7. Leopantani

    User deleted

    Scusate, ragazzi, ma che cos'è una "Glith City"?

    Grazie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! texano

    Scusami ma questo posto si può trovare anche in rosso????????
6 replies since 27/5/2008, 14:11   615 views